
Hesseland - Land & Municipal Equipment

The company HESSELAND was founded in 1991 as a family business in Altenroda/Saxony-Anhalt. Since 1995, the company has expanded continuously and has since moved to a modern company building in the industrial park in Bad Bibra. Next year, the HESSELAND master company will celebrate its 30th anniversary. The company succession of HESSELAND is settled and has been passed on to Mr. Raik Hesse as managing director and owner since 2012

The previous extensive offer of various productive services of the company Hesseland is composed as follows:

  1. Metal construction,
  2. water wheel manufacture and power engineering and
  3. Agricultural, garden and municipal machinery
  4. Trailers; conversion of trailers for straw bale transportation

The business area of waterwheel manufacture and power engineering is very versatile and extensive, and was expanded ten years ago to include the manufacture of waterwheels. The company has already proved its experience in this sector with the reconstruction of old waterwheels, as well as in the implementation of overshot waterwheels (according to the principle of the segmental crane waterwheel) in more than 20 projects successfully for customers.

The competences of the company can be outlined as follows:

  • Equipment and experience in structural steel engineering and vehicle construction
  • Equipment and experience in drive technology
  • Equipment and experience in waterwheel construction for 20 years
  • constructive development of the segmental crane water wheel
  • constructive development of a folding blade waterwheel
  • development of a universal dynamic pressure waterwheel
  • various industrial property rights in the field of waterwheels

Hesseland sees a suitable and promising field of activity in the niche of small hydropower plants for regenerative energy generation (focus on water wheel systems). This development is motivated by the need to diversify the product range in order to safeguard jobs, combined with the expectation of enabling the company to achieve sustainable growth in this segment in the long term. In the field of water wheel construction, the company aims to establish and expand the sector of “renewable energy through hydropower” in the medium term. For this purpose, structural investments for the expansion and diversification of the operating / production site have also been implemented in recent years.

The aim is to push the production of water wheels in series. To this end, research and development activities have been expanded in recent years to include the new technology area of energy generation from flowing water by means of mobile river water power plants. Hesseland sees a suitable and promising field of activity in the niche of small hydropower plants for regenerative energy generation (focus on water wheel systems). This development is motivated by the need to diversificate the product range in order to safeguard employment, combined with the expectation of perspectively providing the company with
sustainable growth in this segment.

We build water wheels!


Altenrodaer Straße, Gewerbegebiet 8
06647 Bad Bibra
Phone: 034465 / 2 03 68
E-Mail: info@hesseland.de
Homepage: www.hesseland.de